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Where does your money go?

With your donations we can do way more than just feeding a cat.
The goal is to first spay and neuter (80-120€) as many cats as possible and return them to their usual whereabouts. But first the vet performs the usual blood works (40€) to detect any disease, for instance if the cat is positive to FelV or FiV (in which case they would not be returned to the streets).

All cats that join the indoors are microchipped (40€) and vaccinated (around 120€ first time and 60€ the following years). Some cats go for adoption abroad, we will also pay for the passport and give them the last shot, rabies. Additional cost (90€).

Our food budget for 25 cats is around 800€ / month. It consists of dry and wet food along with real meat for an overall healthy diet and a less expensive vet bill.

Vet visits, depending of the cat's health, ranges from 70€ to 120€, for simple and healthy check ups to well over 300€ when more in-depth scans, cts and or surgical. procedures. In the case of Nera, for instance, her nose requires another treatment and it is 700€. (check her profile to learn more.)

Last but not least, the anti-flea and dewormer treatments add up to around 140€/month and every 5-6 months we change 4 seresto collars that are around 25€/item.

The cats health history is of utmost importance. Their future adopters will learn about their health and as much as possible about their behaviour.. A total transparent information is crucial for the future health of the cat.  
Not only if it has tested positive in FelV or FIV but also if calcivirus, herpetovirus or any other virus has been detected during the several medical exams and/or in his/her siblings, when it proceeds.

All pets will come with a up-to-date passport and a behavioural notice. This later, again, is of high importance to us. It will help the future family have a reduced integration time. They will know most of the cat likes and dislike.

Changes in the law

The law in Spain, is currently enforcing the microchipping and sterilisation of domestic animals and limit ownership.
Unfortunately, in matters of cats, the mentalities have not evolved enough. In the countryside, where we generally have and still look to establish our headquarter, the cat population is uncontrolled. A lot living nearby humans for what they can "grab" from left over along with a quick hunt...
A lot of our cats come from such whereabouts, a natural environment.
While they are 100% adapted to leaving in the wild, it is our belief that for a better cohabitation with us, the human species, it is better to control cat population. Not only to protect them from outdated mentalities but also and foremost to help them enjoy a decent life, free from pregnancies and territorial fights.

We hope than one day they will be seen as a companion,
not a nuisance